So today is a day for the girls, but is it just me or has the word "feminist" got a bit lost of late?

As words go it doesn't present itself well. For a start most people think it means that women should be better/stronger than men. It doesn't, it means equality. I find it really difficult to gather an opinion on all things "women." I was raised in a "go get it" household, where my parents both worked and were very much a team. Mum went part time for a bit when we were little, but because it made sense - she was breastfeeding, she earned less than Dad (teacher vs city worker) and more to the point it was an option with her job. I very much hope to do the same thing...

I like to think that I believe in complete equality, but then I get a bit confused when it comes to chivalry; I really do think a man should pay for the first date, open doors when trying to impress, and I expect flowers at random every few months... That said, I also think a girl should pay for the second date and that in relationships things should be 50/50 (perhaps not day by day, but overall it should balance out). I'd also be lying if I hadn't used my femininity to my advantage at times (helpless girls at airports get much more help with their bags, and girls with lower t shirts pass driving tests - it's a fact).

None the less, I do look to my female friends for inspiration more than I do men. I don't know why, I just do. As it's International Womens' Day I thought I'd share a few of my favourite "influencers-with-humps" with you:

Nina and Meg - These are the kind of girls that prove that hard work pays off. Unbelievably intelligent, driven and talented, they finally came together to create A Day after working in Venture Capital and Private Equity respectively. I first met Meg when she was dating a friend from university, and Nina when I was first starting out working for myself. Whats super about them is they aren't afraid to share knowledge, contacts and experience - in fact they thrive off doing so. Their respectively wardrobes aren't bad either, and Meg and I share a shoe size. Handy.
Follow Nina here and Meg here on Instagram

Ginnie and Lauren - These two are just a bit super. For a start they were the first people to really give my blog any time of day and without them I really doubt I'd be writing this now. Lauren worked at My Wardrobe at the time and gifted me my first ever blog-gift (an Acne striped blazer which at the time I thought was incredible and now fear I resembled Uncle Sam). She was later behind the big blogger campaigns at Harrods, and has always seen the value in us little digital influencers... Ginnie took me out for my first breakfast and Whistles (her job at the time) were the first brand to put me on their website. They joined forces a year ago to create Aisle 8, a PR agency causing a bit of a storm here in London. Watch and learn... 
Follow Ginnie here and Lauren here on Instagram

Naomi - This lady is a rare gem; quietly seeking success in the fashion industry. Most people do it with such a fuss, parading their successes over social media. Not Naomi, and I always look to her when I get a "what am I doing?" moment. She simply believes in what she does (running The Lifestyle Edit) and knows there is a need for it because she researched the f*ck out of it. Everyone knows Naomi, but not necessarily from Instagram, but through well nurtured and fostered relationships. Saying that, her style is on point so I recommend a follow...
Follow Naomi here on Instagram

Erica, Jemima and Alice - these ladies really are a bit special because they show me that what I want is possible; to work and to "mum." I'm a way off it yet but I do worry that I'll be too selfish or too busy to ever find a time to go "right, and now for the kids." These ladies all work (and really do work) and all parent - and are really very good at both things. They also prove that you don't lose all sense of normality when you become a Mum, these three all hangover like a treat... Between the three of them, they provide me with a constant stream of notes for the future. Alice talks through single parenthood in the most brilliant way, Erica just moved to the country and Jemima walks us through life as a London mum...  If you're after some lighthearted (no reviews of nipple balms or photos of pre-prepared "perfect" parenting) "this is how we do it" ladies, these are your girls:
Follow Erica here, Jemima here and Alice here on Instagram